
Archive for the ‘network analysis’ Category

menerawang masa depan di TFSC

Sunday, 12 February 2012 2 comments

Tulisan saya bersama Ozcan Saritas tentang “menerawang masa depan”, tampil di jurnal bergengsi (bintang 3) Technological Forecasting and Social Change – TFSC (Vol 79 (3) March 2012, Pages 509–529). Tulisan ini adalah analisis lebih lanjut tentang data yang kami gunakan dalam paper tahun 2009 ketika kami menggabungkan Network Analysis dengan foresight. Kalau dalam paper 2009 kami lebih berkutat pada metodologi, maka pada paper ini kami berfokus pada data dan interpretasinya.

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NGOs, the Internet and Sustainable Development

Friday, 12 February 2010 2 comments

The case of Indonesia

Information, Communication and Society, 13(1):88-120, 2010

Yanuar Nugroho

Today sustainable rural development is of paramount importance in Indonesian development. Yet, different social actors have different perspectives on it. Non-government organizations (NGOs) in Indonesia have established themselves in pivotal positions in the social, economic and political landscape across the country, and a large amount of their work has been connected with development in the rural sector. But, there has been little attempt to understand how NGOs in Indonesia, particularly rural NGOs, engage with the issue of sustainable rural development itself. Since rural development is one of the oldest issues to be discussed among activists, since the early days of Indonesian NGOs, it is interesting to see how they understand the issue of sustainability in rural development and rural reform. An empirical study was conducted recently to see how some Indonesian NGOs, in their endeavour to respond to and broaden the discourse, utilize Internet technology. The study employs a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches to build a detailed story about how different organizations working in rural development deploy strategies to deal with the issue. By doing so, it aspires to contribute to the advancement of theory relating to the efficacy of the Internet as a tool for social reform and sustainable development by taking Indonesia as a case study.

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Incorporating network perspectives in foresight: A methodological proposal

Friday, 27 November 2009 3 comments

Foresight (2009), Volume 11(6): 21-41
Yanuar Nugroho and Ozcan Saritas


Purpose – A particular feature that makes foresight powerful is its capability to learn from past trends to help guide decision-making for future policy. However, in studying both past and future trends, network perspectives are often missing. Since networks are capable of revealing the structure that underpins relationships between stakeholders, key issues and actions in the past, they are powerful to help envisage the future. The purpose of this paper is to propose a methodological framework to incorporate network analysis in foresight.

Design/methodology/approach – The paper develops a generic framework to incorporate network analysis into foresight’s five stages. Trends identified by respondents of the Big Picture Survey are used to demonstrate how we operationalize this framework.

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Network Dynamics in the Transition to Democracy: Mapping Global Networks of Contemporary Indonesian Civil Society

Tuesday, 9 September 2008 1 comment

This paper seeks to make transparent the mutually reinforcing relationships between global civil society, democracy and network society, which are often implicit in extant theories. The concept of a ‘global civil society’ cannot be separated from the promotion of democracy. Global civil society itself is one of the most explicit instances of the emergence of network society in the modern age and democracy lies at the very heart of what constitutes a network society. However, very little has been said about how these apparent mutually reinforcing relationships arise. Focusing on the case of Indonesia during the fraught regime change from authoritarianism to democracy, we investigate the role of transnational and national civil society organisation during the periods of pre-reform, reform and post-reform. Using multi-methods, including social network analysis and interviews with civil society activists and networkers, we discover a less encouraging picture of these relationships and conclude that the forging of this virtuous circle has some obvious gaps. We attempt to account for these apparent gaps in this mutually reinforcing relationship in terms of different modes of political participation. We suggest that some forms of ‘chequebook activism’ characterised the global civil society role during an abrupt and bloody regime change.

Read the full paper in the Sociological Research Online (Vol 13 Issue 5) here.

Teknologi Informasi dan Organisasi Masyarakat Sipil di Indonesia

Saturday, 27 January 2007 32 comments

Studi penggunaan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi di kalangan kelompok/organisasi masyarakat sipil di Indonesia bagi perubahan sosial

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Secara umum, studi ini terletak dalam gagasan mengenai ‘studi inovasi’ dan ‘teknologi dan perubahan sosial’. Secara khusus, studi ini mempelajari bagaimana kelompok/organisasi masyarakat sipil (selanjutnya demi hemat kata, disingkat CSO, civil society organisation) menggunakan teknologi informasi, khususnya yang termediasi oleh komputer dan melalui internet (internet-based CMC), untuk mencapai misi dan tujuannya melakukan perubahan sosial.

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